Road Works Allocation in West Cavan welcomed

West Cavan County Councillor, John Paul Feeley has warmly welcomed the
allocation of funds under the Road Works Programme 2013 for a number
of local roads in West Cavan. These include the provision of € 40,000
to the Cornagee Road leading from Blacklion to the Burren, a key site
in the Global Geopark. This will provide for surface improvements and
the provision of lay-byes along the course of the road.

Other roads to benefit include the Ture Road running behind Blacklion
Village in the sum of € 40,000. A further allocation of € 25,000 and €
35,000 has been provided for the Kilduff and Moneen Roads in the Dowra
Area whilst a further allocation of € 35,000 has been provided for
Curravagh Road in Glangevlin.

Allocation of € 20,000 for the Drumconra Road, Swanlinbar and € 45,000
for the Ardmoneen Road, Corlough has also been made for the coming
year. Each of these allocations are to complete road strengthening and
surface dressing with associated works.

‘Despite the fact that our allocation has, in 2013 been cut hugely, we
will still be able to address some areas in need for urgent action so
as to try to keep our local road network in proper condition. Theses
allocations will be very welcome to those who live and farm along
these roads and the local community who travel them. There is much
more we would like to be able to do but with limited resources the
Council will try, through the resurfacing programme address any
pressing issues as and when they arise.’

A further allocation of € 45,000 has been provided to the N87 to
complete work at Killynaher to improve sight lines at this dangerous

‘I must welcome the allocations made. I know that the local Council
staff will ensure that the works are completed properly and that we
get value for money. It is very frustrating to see our roads
deteriorate but at least we are trying to keep the roads in reasonable
condition. However if we do not get better allocations in the coming
years we will have serious issues in the future.’

The Fianna Fáil Councillor noted that during the course of 2012 many
roads which should have been done were not completed due to cuts by
the Fine Gael/Labour Government implemented in late 2012.