West Cavan Fianna Fáil Councillor, John Paul Feeley welcoming the fact
that any allocation was made to complete the restoration of the
Blackrocks Bridge on the R200 in Glan Gap has condemned the fact that
the funding provided will only cover about half of the expected cost
involved and will take about the same amount of funding in the 2013
Roads Programme.
‘It is over twelve months since this bridge was closed to two lane
traffic, it already amounts to a major obstruction for traffic and it
needs to be repaired and fully reopened as soon as possible. I
highlighted the need for specific funding to avoid the allocation
coming out of the normal funding of roads in the area. Unfortunately
we have not been given enough funds from central government to
complete the task and the funding provided means that over half of the
Regional Improvement Schemes Budget in the Belturbet Electoral Area
will have be spent on this single project,’
Highlighting the potential huge diversions involved if the road closes
fully, Councillor Feeley called for the construction of a temporary
roadway adjoining the existing bridge. The 2012 allocation provides €
165,000 for a temporary bridge and other works in the Glan Gap area
with an allocation of € 300,000 towards the new bridge.
‘The reality is that without some temporary structure locals would
have to make a 40 mile detour to access adjoining lands and go about
there normal lives. We all seen that what would be a short closure can
become a very long drawn out affair if works do not proceed as
planned. We therefore need to make some temporary provision. I am
confident that the adjoining landowners will cooperate in this regard
with the Area Engineer, Derry Scanlon and the other area staff in
Concluding, Councillor Feeley highlighted the fact that many other
regional roads in the Belturbet Electoral Area and especially in West
Cavan needed urgent work but with the failure of this Fine Gael led
government to make a proper specific allocation to this project these
roads and those who use them will suffer.
Cavan County Council is presently preparing the final design for the
works and the documents needed to put the project to tender.