‘Targeted funding scheme available to communities under CLÁR 2018’ –Feeley

Press Release
‘Targeted funding scheme available to communities under CLÁR 2018’ –Feeley
Fianna Fáil Councillor, John Paul Feeley has welcomed publication of details of the CLÁR 2018 funding scheme which under three measures targets supports for the provision of safety measures at schools, play areas at schools or in communities and a First Response Support Measure the closing date for which is 18 April 2018.
“From its introduction by then Minister Eamon Ó Cuiv, the CLÁR program has provided targeted funding to the most disadvantaged rural communities in Ireland. After an absence of a number of years and in accordance with the terms of the Confidence and Supply Agreement at the behest of Fianna Fáil, Minister Ring reintroduced this funding programme in 2017 and many communities throughout the country have benefited as a result. In 2018 a further tranche of funding will be available and I urge local schools and community groups to contact the municipal district offices or the Community Enterprise Section of Cavan County Council so that applications can be put together in accordance with the requirements of the Department and lodged without delay.”
The 2018 Scheme administered under three headings must be lodged on behalf of the individual applicants by Cavan County Council with the Department and only 15 applications are allowed per county under measures one and two dealing with support for school/community safety measures and school/community play areas. The separate heading dealing with first response support measures involves an application directly to the Department.
“The application process is not particularly complicated, however for projects is set in excess of €50,000 they must be offered under the e-tender process. Under measure one dealing with support for community/school safety measures and minimal grant of €1000 is payable towards the cost of the measures to be covered under this scheme. The grant rate of 90% of the total expenditure applies with a minimum 5% cash contribution from the school/community with the balance to be made up by the local authority if applicable.’
“Under measure two which provides assistance towards the provision of play areas at schools and in communities there is a minimum grant rate of €5000 and a maximum grant of €50,000 which covers 90% of the overall cost of the project.
“As the timelines are tight I urge schools and communities to contact the county council as a matter of urgency. Last year the officials of Cavan County Council did excellent work engaging with communities to ensure that great value for money was obtained under the various CLÁR heading and I am sure that they will work equally hard in 2018 to ensure the communities the length and breadth of this county benefit under this funding stream.”
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