Fianna Fail Energy Policy calls for ban on fracking – Feeley

Fianna Fail Councillor, John Paul Feeley has welcomed the publication of a new Party Policy Document, ‘Energy in Ireland’ by Michael Moynihan TD, Spokesperson on Energy & Natural Resources which commits the Fianna Fail Party to opposing ‘the use of the fracking technique in Ireland.’ ‘I share the concerns of people across the NorthWest at the potential damage to public health and the environment as a result of fracking. It must not be allowed to proceed and I welcome the clear confirmation of that policy as set out on our behalf by Deputy Moynihan. I now call on all other parties to join in that clear and unequivocal statement.’ The Policy Document outlines the Fianna Fail Party concerns regarding the potential risk to our natural environment due to the pumping technique and the fluids used in drilling, the risk to drinking water and the damage to our reputation as a high quality food producing nation. ‘The confirmation that Fianna Fail supports a ban on any fracking activity in Ireland at national level builds on the huge efforts of Councillors across the region. I secured a special meeting of Cavan County Council last year which called for a comprehensive study of all the environmental, public health and economic implications of fracking and an end to all exploratory or fracking related activities until these issues have been addressed and the work of Councillors in Leitrim in particular, Cllr Mary Bohan taking the lead in calling for a ban on fracking.’ Councillor Feeley and Councillor Bohan were also part of a cross-party delegation which met with Minister Alex White and his officials last year to convey very clearly the concerns of local communities about the potential effects of fracking. ENDS ‘Fianna Fáil also opposes the use of the fracking technique in Ireland. There are potentially significant risks to our natural environment due to the pumping technique and the fate of the fluids used in the drilling and fracturing processes. The possible risks to our drinking water from fracking are simply not acceptable. Nor is the possibility of serious damage to our reputation as a high quality food producing nation worth risking. The Government of France banned fracking in May 2011 in a response to these risks. We are not willing to subject our communities to any potential risk which could undermine the integrity of their water supply or the natural environment in which they live. As a result of these risks Fianna Fáil are demanding a ban on any fracking activity in Ireland’ Energy in Ireland, Fianna Fail Policy Document 2015