Official Opening of Belturbet By-Pass brings project to welcome conclusion

Fianna Fáil Councillor, John Paul Feeley has welcomed the official opening of the Belturbet By-Pass by the Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport. Dr. Leo Varadkar, TD. Noting that the Contracts for the completion of the road were signed in 2011 following an allocation of funding secured under the then Minister Noel Dempsey. ‘It was a privilege to attend the signing of the Contracts for this project in the Seven Horse Shoes, Belturbet with the then Minister for Agriculture, Brendan Smith TD, who had worked so diligently to secure the funding for the project and now to see it completed.’ Noting that as in all projects issues arose with landowners during the project and these have now been resolved. It was very fortunate that the project got moving ahead before Minister Varadkar cancelled 45 projects in his first months in office. ‘There are implications for some businesses as a result of this new road but in the round it has given the town of Belturbet back to the local community, it has made it a much more attractive place to stop and use the facilities of the town and I hope that in years to come it will be seen that the opportunities to development of the town that this road has given. Furthermore a very dangerous section of national primary road has been replaced by an excellent piece of infrastructure.’ Concluding Councillor Feeley complemented the engineers and executive of Cavan County Council, the NRA and the contractors for the great work done on the Belturbet By-Pass.